Software Development Tutorials and Videos

Software Development Videos and Tutorials: Java, .NET, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Agile, Software Testing
Software Development Tutorials and Videos

The Software Factory

At Javapolis, Bruno Segers presented ‘The Software Factory’. This model allows a faster, cheaper and easier way to build software solutions. The term software factory is controversial. But think about it… No industry has experienced more innovation than the factory industries. On the contrary, the key to meeting demand is …

C++ Stylistics

Both by accident and by design, C++ supports a number of different styles and approaches to programming. Its evolution from C gives it obvious support for a procedural systems programming style based on C idioms, but past, present and future language support opens up a wealth of other approaches and …

Usability and Software Architecture: The Forgotten Problems

January 26, 2007 lecture by Bonnie John for the Stanford University Human Computer Interaction Seminar (CS 547). Bonnie has teamed up with Len Bass to bring usability to the architecture design table as a “first-class citizen” on par with other quality attributes like performance, security, and modifiability; she presents their …