Software Development Videos and Tutorials: Java, .NET, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Agile, Software Testing
Running your Java EE 6 and Rails Applications in the Cloud

Running your Java EE 6 and Rails Applications in the Cloud

Java EE 6 platform is an extreme makeover from the previous versions. It breaks the “one size fits all” approach with Profiles and improves Java EE 5 developer productivity features. It enables extensibility by embracing open source libraries and frameworks. NetBeans, Eclipse and IntelliJ provide extensive tooling for Java EE 6. But how can you leverage all of this on a cloud? GlassFish v3, the Reference Implementation of Java EE 6, can easily run on multiple cloud infrastructures. Learn how to create a simple Java EE 6 and Ruby-on-Rails application then deploy them on GlassFish v3 running locally. You will deploys that sample using Amazon, RightScale, Joyent & Elastra cloud infrastructures. It also shows how servers are dynamically provisioned in some environments to meet the demand. The video also explains the advantages of each approach enabling you to choose the optimal strategy for your environment.

Video Producer: Jazoon Conference