Software Development Videos and Tutorials: Java, .NET, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Agile, Software Testing
Efficiency and Happiness Combining Software Development Methodologies

Efficiency and Happiness Combining Software Development Methodologies

Management By Objectives, Getting Things Done, Agile Results, Strengths Based Development, Positive Psychology etc. A lot of methodologies and each of them provides ideas and concepts, but fewer provides concrete steps and criteria to measure achievements.

Let’s talk about how to better understand and achieve our goals, how to focus and enjoy our daily work and how make it all together to help our development as professionals and our feeling of happiness by using not one, but combining of those methodologies. What exact steps to make and what tools come handy (some demonstration and comparison also). Real cases will be shown to demonstrate exactly why and how each part can work for everyone of us.

This session and topic is for you, if you:
– sometimes feel panic because of overload or just feel overloaded
– miss feeling of development as professional
– miss the feeling of happiness, even if looks like everything is going fine

As result of this session will be no miracle cure, but maybe some ideas to help you to get in more control of your life and happiness.

Video producer: Agile Latvia